FLO Concept
Flo Concept is a fashion social business active in Florence, Italy, since 2010, which objective is to create a welcoming environment for vulnerable people coming from disadvantaged background (physical and mental disabled, drug addicts, foreign immigrants/refugees, victims of sex trafficking etc.) and provide them with educational trainings and work opportunities in the world of fashion. Flo runs a retail store and a sewing workshop where primarily Flo labelled women and children RTW and accessories collections are manufactured, as well as many other items which have been witnessed through the years the strong links of the cooperative with the profit world of designers, local, national and foreign companies, associations and institutions, that have chosen Flo as their ethic partner.
In Forward (Fashion, Crafts and Design for Women Empowerment), Flo acts as the project leader and it aims to take the project its 12 years experience in adult education based on the strong conviction that with a personalised training and working experience any human being can achieve the dignity and the self-esteem necessary for pursuing personal and professional goals and ambitions.
Design Foundation
For Women and Crafts
The Design Foundation For Women and Crafts was created at the start of 2020. Based in Portugal, it is an international platform that welcomes and collaborates with partners worldwide. Facing urgent challenges of the 21st Century and the growing necessity to preserve, protect and promote a worldwide legacy of unique, female-led artisanal production, the objective of the Association is to contribute towards reinforcing and improving craft clusters through the introduction of design strategies that allow for the preservation of female-led artisan communities in Portugal and other countries around the world, produce knowledge concerning national and international craft activity and explore the intercultural relationships between different women-driven crafts communities on a global scale.
In Forward (Fashion, Crafts and Design for Women Empowerment), the training course is designed and produced by the Design Foundation for Women and Crafts, in collaboration with Terrafoundation and experimentadesign. It will take place in Alentejo, in the village of Carvalhal, municipality of Grândola, focusing on the role of contemporary design and the visual arts as contributors to the maintenance and innovation of craftsmanship, underlining its impact in the creation of social and economic sustainability for the women in disadvantaged communities.
Fundația The Open Network for
Community Development
Fundația The Open Network for Community Development (TON) was born in April 2012 in the desire to ensure the visibility, synergy and sustainability of the Romanian-Belgian partnerships in the field of development (active since 1989), but also to develop this network of actions by collaborating and exchanging experience with national and / or international organisations interested in the field of community development. We are a network of people for people and for Romanian communities, a non-governmental organisation set up by partners from Romania and Belgium.
TON is a foundation that develops and promotes good practices for community building in the fields of education, social and community development, health, leadership and of the environment.
Specifically in reference to the FORWARD project, TON involves 22 OLFs (Local Women’s Groups) in its network. Lot of these Local Women’s Groups (informal groups) located in rural areas of Romania are supported by TON in their activities, in the promotion of local training projects and for the personal development of the participants and in fundraising; they are also involved in community level projects.
soc. coop. ar.l.
Fismformazione soc. coop. ar.l. is an accredited Tuscany Region training agency based in Florence, Italy. It was established soon after the 10-year experience of the FISM Regione Toscana, an associative, promotional and representative body of the Provincial Federations of nursery/kindergartens and is therefore part of a wider training network. Fismformazione is a provider of training and talent development programs, evaluation and monitoring services which bring value to the life of individuals and to society, matching interests and market needs. Our principles are: people centric approach, stakeholder engagement and quality. We offer: certified training programs, career services, financed training, mandatory education, youth education and training vouchers.
The performance of Fismformazione in the project is expected on Activity 2: Training of trainers, with the purpose to coordinate partners to produce a guidelines draft of the project and Activity 7: monitoring and evaluation -assuring relevance and quality on each activity as well as the effectiveness and learning outcome of the training specific for women from disadvantaged backgrounds.